Hit the scallion mother load this week. Top 4 ways to work with scallions.

scallion uses x4 EW

Scallion Pancakes
  • 1¼ cup all-purpose flour
  • 1¼ cup whole wheat four
  • 1 cup boiling water
  • 1 cup chopped scallions
  • 1 tablespoon sesame oil
  • salt

To make the dough:

  1. Combine flours in a large mixing bowl. Add in the boiling water and start mixing together with a wooden spoon. Once the water is fully incorporated, use your hands to form into a ball. Knead the dough for 5 minutes.
  2. Coat the dough with oil. Cover the bowl  with a wet paper towel and allow to dough to rest for 30 minutes.

PicMonkey Collage EW# To shape the dough:

  1. Divine the dough in half, shape into balls.  Work with one dough ball at a time. Keeping the other one covered in the greased bowl.
  2. On a flat surface, roll out the ball of dough into a rectangle approximately 10″ x 8″. From the longer side of the rectangle, roll the dough (like you were making cinnamon buns) into a tube shape (images 1-3). Take one end of the tube coil it around to the other end of the dough making a bun shape (image 4).
  3. Starting with the palm of your hand, flatten the dough bun piece and then move on to using your rolling pin (image 5).  Roll the dough out again into a 10″ x 8″ rectangle (image 6).
  4. Brush the dough with half of the sesame oil. Cover evenly with half the scallions and a few pinches of salt (image 7).
  5. Roll the dough up (image 8), again like you would to make cinnamon buns. Cut this log in half (image 9). Coil each half on your flat surface (image 10). Flatten this a little with the palm of your hand and then continue with rolling pin to form a 6″ circle (images 11-12).
  6. Repeat these steps with the other half of the dough. This recipe yields 4 round scallion pancakes. Note: you can start cooking your first batch while you roll out the second half of the dough.

Finally, it’s pancake making time (just kidding, it doesn’t take that long to get to this step):

  1. Spray a non-stick frying pan with oil. Cook one pancake at a time over a medium-high heat allowing some brown spots to develop (7-10 minutes), flip and continue cooking for another 5 minutes.
  2. Slice the dough as though it were a pizza into either six or eight pieces. Serve alongside your favorite dipping sauce.
  3. Repeat with remaining dough disks or refrigerated for up to 24 hours and cook as needed.
Scallion Pancakes with Sweet Chili Sauce
Scallion Pancakes with Sweet Chili Sauce
So Many Scallions
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